Sunday, September 14, 2014




I, being a man who enjoys history, mystery, Disney and tales from the "Knights of the Round Table", am enjoying our visits to the many castles that are still standing in this part of Germany. Unfortunately, many of the castles have been refurbished, modernized and made into museums. However, there are a few that still hold their original basic design. 

In studying the intent of their original design and purpose, I've noted that all of them have a few things in common. First off, most of them are built on top of a hill or high plateau. This was obviously intended to be a look-out point in order to see the enemy coming from a long distance, giving the king's guard time to prepare for battle. Being on a hill also made it harder for the enemy to reach and storm the castle. 

Secondly, most castles had moats surrounding the castle, complete with a customary draw bridge to be drawn up when the enemy approaches. Another point noted was that the king and his royalty always wore the latest fashion of the most expensive clothing materials and jewelry available. 

Castles also came complete with a dungeon and the most modern tools of torture known to man, guaranteed to loosen the tightest of tongues and reap incriminating information from the enemy or the common criminal. Also, only the rich with royal blood could possibly darken the door of any respectable castle.

With these characteristics in mind, I couldn't help but observe the differences between castles and our temples. Yes, we do build temples on hills and other obvious places, but we place them there to be seen by all and welcome one and all to our temple grounds. 

Unlike castles, we have an angel posted on top of our temples, giving a loud and clear clarion call for all to gather at the temple. Unlike castles, everyone in the temple is dressed in white with basically the same clothes so as not to categorize the class or financial status of those attending. We also discourage extreme jewelry and outlandish makeup. In God's eyes, all deserve his blessings, no matter what their financial status or standing in life may be. 

Like castles, we do have an army, but it is quite a different type of army. For example, in the Manti Temple there are about 950 worthy temple workers who serve by choice. They give of their own time and means to attend and help wherever needed. The enemy is also quite different from castles.The enemy is anything that causes addiction, demeans or keeps one from reaching their God-given and preordained potential. 

Also, unlike castles, we do not have chambers that cause death. Rather, we have chambers that are dedicated and sanctioned to redeem the dead. And last but not least, castles didn't have electricity or lights, except the light they could get from a few candles placed strategically around the rooms. Our temples accentuate and radiate the light of Christ and stand as lighthouses to guide all who are lost in the tempest of life to the safe shores of the Gospel..........


  1. Very interesting comparison. Well done. Might be worth submitting to the Ensign.

    1. I know. I thought it was great as well. Thanks for your comment and I will pass it along to Dale.

  2. What a great article about castles and temples! Dale is an amazing writer.
