Wednesday, June 10, 2015


I just read through our last post and....   WOW - how things have changed since that post.  One never knows what the Lord plans for us and what might come next.  I believe we mentioned that we were serving three missions in one - correct that - it is now four missions in one!

About a month ago we were called to go to the Michelstadt Branch as, basically, Member Leadership Support.  We are still doing everything else we have been assigned but attend church in this wonderful, small branch about 45 minutes south of where we live as well.  It is in the Odenwald Forest which is one of the most beautiful parts of Germany.  We love our drive there and it is also a little cooler there as well.  Dale is serving as Executive Secretary to a new Branch President, Walter Wiese, who was also called from the Darmstadt Ward.  Another brother from Darmstadt was also called as the Branch Clerk.  I will be serving as one of the Ward Organists and that makes me happy.  So, in addition to Sundays, we go to Michelstadt on Wednesday evenings for other meetings. We are really enjoying the variety in our lives.

Michelstadt Church

Because we have so many commitments, we are unable to travel around quite as much as we did in Freiberg.  However, we do get to see quite a bit of Germany as we go from place to place.  The picture below is posted on my page on Facebook but I also want to share it here.  These are the yellow fields of Germany.  The flowers are only here for a small part of May each year, but they are everywhere.  They are spectacular!  They are actually Rapeseed plants, the plant from which canola oil is made.  I am so glad we were here to enjoy seeing them.

I think a few more pictures and explanations about some of the things we have seen in the past month might be fun.  An interesting day was on Dale's Birthday, May 14.  It was also a holiday here in Germany and we decided to go to a "castle" above the city of Weinheim.  It was an interesting day to say the least.  We were told that it was just a short walk up the road when we had to park at the bottom of the hill because the road was partially closed.  Long story short, it was a long ways and we ended up going back to the car, thanks to a Taxi, and then driving to the top anyway.  That said, when we arrived there and this is what we saw.

It seems there was some kind of "Fraternal" convention for the entire weekend.  Also, it really was a castle built only in the early 1800's just for this organization.  We snapped a few pictures and headed home.  Fun times!

Also, we went to the center of Darmstadt to go to dinner at a member's apartment and saw this there.

There was a big Festival going on with many stages, music, food, drink, and lots of people.  We knew about the festival and had taken the tram to Luisinplatz instead of driving.  We were glad we did!  How this bus got there from America - we do not know!  But it was like a "food truck" serving American Food.  We enjoyed walking around before we headed to dinner at Sister Kling's.

Another fun time was with our Young Single Adult group.  Some very interesting "games" were played and it was such a fun night.  It was the largest group we have ever had attend Family Home Evening!  Our leader, Tabea Wiese, is wonderful and plans such great activities.  Consequently, we just normally have to cook and plan the meals.  We love these "kids"!

We also really enjoy the young missionaries in our District.  They are so special to us and we love them all so much.  Right now we have two from Utah County, one from Salt Lake area, one from Delta, one from Oregon, the Sisters are from Colorado and Illinois, and one of the Elders is from Ireland but grew up in Australia.  Transfer days are hard for us as well as them.  Darmstadt is wonderful place to serve with very supportive members and many young people from all over Europe go to University here.  It is very International city.

Our District Young Elders and Sisters

Just this morning I met a young man who is a member but hasn't been attending church.  He grew up in Ecuador, joined the church about 16 years ago.  He just noticed my name tag and started talking with me.  He spoke a little German and very little English, his native language being Spanish.  I speak a little German and a little Spanish so we communicated in all three languages.  I love it here!  And that is what the missionaries face on a daily basis.  The young missionaries are amazing young people.

Another piece of news.  The Frankfurt Temple is also closing now.  It will be closed for Renovation starting September 7.  Our friends who were re-assigned from Freiberg are not sure what will happen for them as they will only have about 7 weeks left of their 18-month mission.  And that is how fast your life can change while serving the Lord.

One last big announcement.  This is Shayla ReNae Woolsey, born May 18 in Austin, Texas to Scott and Jennifer.  I feel so honored to have this precious little spirit named after me.  She is number 19 for us and we love all of them and their parents so much.